

Where has February vanished to?! I cannot believe March is right around the corner, eager to kick FeBRRRuary out of the picture;; and I cannot be more enthusiastic about that. I have not done much shopping or going out due to family functions that needed to be attended, but I have been doing ONLINE SHOPPING! My favorite. <3

As far as makeup, it has mostly been routine. Basically, my very first post of products is what has been used most, with the exception of interchanging
lipsticks and glosses. : ]  I have also been working on a wishlist for when I go "Spring shopping."

One thing that is at the very top of my list is a new
flat iron/hair straightener. I have been searching high and low and doing a lot of research. I decided to order the Ti Silver Chrome Flat Iron.

Tomorrow I think I will post photos of all the lipsticks I have. <3 Ciao.

 Here are the items I purchased online.        I take NO credit for any of the listed photos.

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